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X Battle
Cars PVP

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Unity Developer


Skynet888 Studio (2021 - 2022)


Platform : PC (Steam)


• Managed data transmission between players and the server.
• Connected the client to the database using JSON.
• Developed systems for customizing car colors and weapons, visible    to all players.
• Implemented skill and inventory systems, including database        connectivity.
• Created team management features, saving team data to the database.
• Developed quest tracking and updating systems, with reward display from the server.
• Converted data to byte arrays for network transmission and JSON for database updates.


      Customization Car and weapon, all players see our changed appearance according to our settings.


      In each Car, you can install up to 3 skills. When activated, they will display their effects, reduce the energy of the account, and have a cooldown.


      In each Car, you can install up to 3 Items in each of the 3 slots available, connected to the database every time they are used.


      Players can bring a maximum of 5 cars into the game. Player team data will be saved through the database.


      Tracking player actions to update the status of their quests and sending data of any changes to the database. When a quest is completed, displaying reward information received from the server.



      Convert the required data into a byte array to send it through the network to all players and convert the received data back into the correct class for use with each car's color, installed weapons, etc. Alternatively, convert the desired data into JSON format to send it to the database for use with quests, etc.


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